5 Signs You Need to Clean Your Air Ducts

Do you know if your air ducts are in need of a good clean? Here are five tell-tale signs that it's time to call in the professionals for an air duct cleaning.

5 Signs You Need to Clean Your Air Ducts

Do you know if your air ducts are in need of a good clean? Keeping your air ducts free of dust, debris, and other contaminants is essential for maintaining good air quality, reducing energy bills, and avoiding health issues. Here are five tell-tale signs that it's time to call in the professionals for an air duct cleaning:Mold Growth - Mold can be found both inside and outside your HVAC system. If you spot any mold, it's important to have your air ducts professionally cleaned.

Unstable or Poor Airflow

- If you notice that the airflow in your home is weak or inconsistent, it could be a sign that your air ducts need to be cleaned. This is especially true if the airflow is coming from one room or area of the house.

Infestation of Insects, Rodents, and Other Vermin

- If you notice any insects, rodents, or other vermin in your air ducts, it's a sign that they need to be cleaned.

These pests can cause serious damage to your HVAC system and spread disease.

High Energy Bills

- A high energy bill can be a sign that you need to clean your air ducts. When air ducts become dirty, the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system has to work harder to perform its task. This means that it takes more energy than usual to perform its task. If you notice any of these signs, it's important to have your air ducts professionally cleaned. Customers are free to purchase natural gas or electricity services at the retailer of their choice.

For a list of retailers, visit www.ucahelps.gov.ab.ca or call 310-4822 (toll-free in Alberta).

Norma Hendricksen
Norma Hendricksen

Travel trailblazer. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Passionate travelaholic. Friendly bacon practitioner. Extreme internet geek.

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